Home Environment

Proximity to power lines

Type of home heating:

Use of electronic devices in the bedroom:

Technology Usage

Average daily screen time:

Use of wireless devices:

Proximity to Wi-Fi router:

Occupational Exposure

Work environment:

Use of communication devices:

Protective measures taken:

Lifestyle and Health

Frequency of flying per year:

Use of medical imaging tests:

Symptoms potentially related to EMF exposure:

Electric Vehicles

Own or regularly drive an EV:

Hours in an EV per day (if applicable):

Charging habits for EV:

Proximity to the vehicle when charging:

Smart Meters

Smart meter installed:

Location of the smart meter:

Environmental Awareness

Awareness of local EMF sources:

Steps taken to reduce EMF exposure:


What’s EMF Exposure?

Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure occurs when a person comes into contact with radiation emitted from devices that generate electrical energy. This happens from a wide range of frequencies, including extremely low frequencies from electrical wiring and appliances, and radio frequencies from wireless devices such as cell phones, routers, and microwave ovens.

EMFs are a natural part of our environment but have been greatly intensified with the advancement of modern technology within wireless and electronic devices. Each device emits a different level of EMFs, depending on its function and design, and the level of exposure typically decreases as one moves away from the source. Understanding the nature and sources of EMF is crucial in assessing exposure levels and potential health risks associated with daily activities and environments.


Dangers of EMF Exposure

Although low-level exposure is generally regarded as harmless, high-level exposure can pose serious health risks.

Studies suggest associations between excessive EMF exposure and several adverse health outcomes, including an increased risk of cancer, reduced fertility, and neurological disorders. The World Health Organization classifies certain EMFs as possibly carcinogenic, underscoring the potential cancer risk associated with prolonged exposure.


EMF Exposure Symptoms

The symptoms of EMF exposure can vary significantly, influenced by the intensity and duration of exposure. Symptoms and health effects of EMF include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and disrupted sleep patterns. Some individuals might also experience a tingling or buzzing sensation, irritability, or difficulty concentrating. Long-term exposure can worsen these effects, potentially leading to more serious conditions like depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairments. It’s important to recognize that sensitivity to EMF exposure can vary, with some people being more susceptible than others.


How to Reduce EMF Exposure

To minimize EMF exposure, start by limiting the use of devices that emit EMFs and maintaining a safe distance from them. For example, use electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops at a distance, preferably on speaker mode or with wired headphones, rather than close to your body.

At home, place large electronic appliances such as TVs, routers, and microwaves in less frequented areas. Consider switching off WiFi routers at night and opting for wired internet connections when possible. For added protection, products like our EMF adapter and Radiant Room can reduce the intensity of electromagnetic fields around you, helping to create a safer living environment.